我们的客户、员工和我们所在社区的安全是我们的首要任务. 我们的 客户 and partners are a key part of our critical business activities and we are committed to all of you 谁 share in our purpose to contribute to feeding the world. 在这个不确定的时代, that purpose is more important than ever and we are here to support the critical work of our 客户 and the entire agriculture industry. 随着COVID-19问题的不断发展, 我们想重申我们正在做的事情,以确保我们的持续服务, 健康与安全.

我们继续跟进, 在许多情况下超过了世界卫生组织的建议, 疾病控制中心和当地卫生组织. The information provided here outlines what we are doing to ensure business continuity as it relates to COVID-19, 同时也明确了公司在应对这一流行病方面的立场. 如果您有本文档中未解决的问题,请让您的Simplot联系人知道.

目前, we are not aware of any circumstances arising from the COVID-19 pandemic that will prevent Simplot from fulfilling its contractual commitments to its 客户. 我们与客户的关系非常重要, 他们与客户的关系也是如此. If circumstances change such that we are no longer able to fulfill our contractual commitments to you because of the COVID-19 pandemic or otherwise, 我们会尽快让你知道, 以便您可以采取适当的行动来保护您的利益.


  • 伟德BETVlCTOR体育 has deployed a cross-functional team responsible for ensuring our business continuity plans meet existing and ongoing protocols to address the regulatory requirements and best practices related to COVID-19. 这包括制定和修订行动计划和沟通,以满足现有需求, 并对未来可能出现的情况进行规划.
  • 伟德BETVlCTOR体育’s global footprint allows us to mitigate risk and ensure business continuity during times of potential product and supply disruption. 我们的 business continuity processes include contingency plans that use this footprint to defray the impact and ensure continued service during these times. 我们是 confident in our ability to meet your needs and will continue closely monitoring the situation for any future potential impact.
  • 我们的 contingency planning includes identifying alternate suppliers to support the interim supply of materials, 包装及成品, 无论是国内采购还是国际采购. 我们将在必要时与受影响的客户沟通信息.
  • 伟德BETVlCTOR体育 has restricted business travel to and from a variety of countries to meet or exceed best practices outlined by the 疾病控制中心的旅行健康通告. Simplot has also restricted business travel and visits to only include business-critical travel at all domestic locations. 所有此类差旅必须经过公司领导层的审核和批准.
  • Simplot employees and contracting workers are obligated to meet quarantine requirements as dictated by their home community, 或按公司指引, 哪个限制最大.
  • Simplot还在全球所有地点实施了访客限制. 只有完成关键业务活动的访客才能进入Simplot设施. 最近去过特定国家的游客, 正如疾控中心概述的那样, 不论业务需要,不得进入Simplot设施.
    注意: This restriction list is likely to change often; refer to the CDC’s Travel 健康 Notices for the most recent list. 我们已经将警告级别为1、2或3的国家列入了我们的游客限制.
  • 我们的客户、员工和我们所在社区的安全是我们的首要任务 and we will continue to follow or exceed all regulatory requirements and take appropriate steps to maintain this standard with respect to coronavirus.
  • 我们的 communicable disease policy addresses employee requirements during potential disease outbreaks and requires that employees do not enter the workplace if they are sick. Everyone 谁 enters a Simplot facility will have their temperature taken and will be required to answer a series of symptom screening questions as well as questions to identify potential exposure to COVID-19.
  • In the event local or national regulatory agencies impose more strict guidelines related to communicable disease, 或者特定于冠状病毒, 我们将采取符合或超过这些指导方针的做法.
  • Simpot has implemented 3+1 Guidelines which are posted at every location and used in all communications to remind and reinforce. 这些指导方针涉及与身体保持距离有关的要求, 口罩, 清洁和健康监测.
  • 我们的 employee education efforts include information about how to reduce the risk of exposure to and contracting COVID-19, 无论是工作时还是不工作时, 如果员工生病或感觉自己接触过病毒,应该如何应对,并给出明确的指导. 这些信息不仅对员工开放,而且对所有参观我们设施的人开放.
  • 公司正在积极监测联邦和州一级的疫苗分发计划, 以及我们开展业务的每个保健区. Many Simplot employees fall into an early vaccination category that includes essential workers in the food and agriculture industry.
  • 基于目前有限的疫苗供应, 公司不会强制员工接种疫苗. We will continue to monitor availability of the vaccine and any need for mandatory vaccines as this situation develops. 我们是, 然而, 强烈鼓励每个人接种疫苗, 如果他们对疫苗有担忧,请咨询他们的医疗服务提供者.
  • 我们是 actively investigating opportunities for on-site vaccination clinics to make the vaccine available to as many employees as possible. 我们还在开发工具,帮助员工了解接种疫苗的好处, 鼓励接种疫苗.