
Simplot土地 & 牲畜 offers a cooperative 遗传评估 Service for Charolais breeders focused on making genetic improvement in terminal sires.



该系统结合了伟德BETVlCTOR体育标准的纯种表型, 商业生产数据, and genomic profiles to deliver accurate expected progeny differences (EPDs) and a terminal-sire selection index focused on producing commercial calves with superior genetic merit through the feeding period. We are dedicated to making long-term improvements to the genetic merit of Charolais terminal sires for both commercial and purebred applications.

The value in our 遗传评估 Service is derived from an exclusive and extensive database of accurate phenotypes on both purebred and commercial animals specific to Simplot土地 & 牲畜(左&L)和数量有限的夏洛莱合作育种者.

目前有6个,夏洛莱公牛和4,203株夏来母系表型和基因型分析&L数据库. 另外, 从断奶到收获的商业表型在41号被捕获,241头基因型商业犊牛. 个体采食量是在爱达荷州格兰德维德的一个内部GrowSafe系统中测量的. A full list of traits in the genetic evaluation with the average EPD accuracy and heritability is shown in Table 1.

特征 记录   环保署ACC 遗传 
BW  7,627 0.78 0.35
WW 27,203 0.76 0.21
ADG 53,103 0.78 0.26
FI  12,050 0.74 0.31
RFI 12,050 0.74 0.31
脂肪 39,094 0.79 0.39
意图 39,588 0.79 0.30
MARB 38,486 0.79 0.39
先跟脂肪 5,593 0.74 0.38
Ult意图 5,587 0.76 0.39
Ult MARB 5,595 0.75 0.34
YG 39,094 0.72 0.40
HCW 41,241 0.79 0.37



Offering a cooperative genetic evaluation allows for the capture of maximum genetic variation represented in the Charolais breed. This allows purebred producers to have access to a set of EPDs where every sire is informed by accurate commercial data and a genomic marker panel, 这是目前的国家牛类评估模式所不提供的. Commercial sires in the evaluation average 17 calves with production phenotypes directly informing the EPD.

我们的 遗传评估 Service returns a full suite of EPDs accompanied by individual accuracy estimates in addition to a terminal-sire index for feeder calf profitability ($FCP). This index combines purebred and commercial performance to return a selection tool revealing overall genetic merit in commercial calves. The result is an accurate suite of selection tools informed by an extensive database of reliable production data.

Breeders can participate with phenotypes collected on contemporary groups of sires accompanied by a DNA sample or a historical genomic single neucleotide polymorphism (SNP) profile. 我们很乐意讨论定制应用程序,以适应您的育种计划.


Simplot 遗传评估 Service for Charolais cattle is available in a variety of tiers to meet the needs of your cattle operation. 从基础到高级,我们帮助您了解您的牧群的精确细节.
一级全子代测试- $8,500/头

A full progeny test provides access to accurate selection tools to create a comprehensive genetic evaluation. 这项服务包括:

  • 人工智能对选定人群的影响
  • 表1中纯种动物或商品动物的表型收集, 包括GrowSafe采食量
  • DNA收集和基因分型服务
  • 环保署简介,准确性估计,和$FCP指数报告
  • 每半年更新一次EPD简介,准确性和$FCP指数
  • 自定义表型可选(i.e.,感觉轮廓,牛呼吸道疾病抵抗力,压痛. 可能需要支付额外费用.)
  • 育种者将被要求提供60 - 75单位的精液.
2级全子代测试- $ 5000 /头
Includes all the service features of the Tier 1 Full 箴geny Test with the deduction of GrowSafe Feed Intake measurement.
3级全子代测试- $4,000/头
Includes all the service features of the Tier 2 Full 箴geny Test with the deduction of calving data collection.
基本评估- $80/头

Purchase of the basic evaluation only requires phenotypes (breeder provided) on a contemporary group of 10 or more Charolais bulls and hair samples for DNA profiling. 可纳入EPD预测的表型包括体重, WW, ADG, FI, 和超声测量(脂肪), 意图和MARB).

The evaluation will provide EPDs with accuracy estimates for all traits in Table 1 along with the terminal sire index for feeder calf profitability. This evaluation produces accurate EPDs informed by the full database of traits including the 商业生产数据 collected through harvest.



而Simplot L&L will use comprehensive tools and prediction models to assess criteria for making genetic improvements to a breeder’s Charolais herd, 我们的遗传评估服务是基于育种者提供的信息和数据. We therefore cannot and do not guarantee any results or specific outcomes and disclaim any and all implied or express representations and warranties. Breeder grants permission to incorporate breeder data into Simplot’s exclusive proprietary database in order for L&L提供遗传评估服务. Data will not be shared with any outside party without prior written consent from the breeder.


电话: (208) 834-2231




Simplot Western Stockmen's

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